Ráca 'Wolf' Únerion

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Realm: Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

Race: Unknown (Half-Elf?).

Fighting Since: Late spring of 2007.

Weapon(s) of Choice: Florintine swords.


(I'm working on it)

Real life

  • I want to be/am studying to become a veterinarian.

Reason for my name

I chose the name "Wolf" when I started. On a whim I looked it up in an English-Quenya(Elven) word-list. It came up as Ráca, so you could say that one of my first two names is redundant. As for Únerion, it breaks down into Úner, which means no-man or no-one, and ion, which means son-of. You can blame its meaning on one of those phases people go through.

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