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Real Name: Micah Stearns

Race: Leo'Vem

Realm of Origin: Khazad-Dum

Current Realm: Non-Affiliated

Unit: Blood Wings

Started Fighting: June 2001

Fighting Style: Mace Variety (usually a mace/shield or a two hand mace)

Events Attended: Oktoberfest 03 & 05 Spring War 05 & 06 Olympics II WolfPack Opener 04 & 06

Mini Events Attended: Khazad-Dum Opener

Age: Pre-history

Place of Origin: Pre-world

Title: Lord of the Blood Wings

Likes: Drinking, having fun with friends, women and an occassional apocalypse

Dislikes: Cheating, fighting, liars and people who hurt others to make themselves feel better


"Let me tell you of my life. I have lived beyond the years of the stars in the heavens. And I shall walk among the earth long after you are all gone. When the divine spirit created life, as you know it, we the watchers were amazed and enchanted by your short lives and your tenacity. And some of us were horrified of your war and common hate towards eachother. But as I can gather, that is life. To war against what you do not understand, nor want to understand. Countless wars have been brought down upon your world because of religion, race, and nationality. But now I get off subject." "After the worlds were created we spread out to see this new design. And so I stood by and watched as the oceans gave forth to life and life pulled itself onto the land. Millenia I waited for something that could speak and think and look as we the watchers do. And so came all that there is. Elf, Dwarf, Man, Orc and so on and ect. But we the watchers were not to interfere. But we did."

"We gave the beginnings of civilization to the mortal races. Fire, Engineering, Cultivation and Knowledge of the world around you. We gave you what was needed for your survival. But we always maintained as much descretion to what we truly were. But as all things, secrets get told, and myths of angels and demons and gods are spread throughout the land." "But after so many long years, which before never bothered me...for there was no time before, I grew bored. Many of us did. So now we are here; walking in your world. Some of us hide what we really are, some proudly stand tall and pronounce it to the very creator that in almost all cases remains silent."

"I am Leo'Vem. I am the god, angel and devil that drives your passions and will. I drive you to be mighty and valiant and noble. And I drive you to take your pleasures, be what you make of yourselves, good or bad. Challenge the creator or bow before him, it is your choice. I will be watching. So eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow you might die."


But as for right now, I have taken a few months off and am ready to return to the world of men. I have started gathering promising young warriors of different creeds to participate in war with honor and dignity. The BloodWings will be my attempt to use what I know to help cultivate the next group of warriors. They will fight for whatever cause they see fit, for I am just a cane for them to steady themselves on. I shall train them and aid them in the basics of knowlege and skill until I deem them ready. As for now we wait and see what the future brings for the young.

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