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Fighting/lore name: Daeduin Lup Campbell (Pron. DEUH-duhn)

Mundane name: CD Reynolds

Started fighting: March 2016, March 2018

Class/Occupation: Galliard (Warrior-Bard)

Realm started in: Sunspear

Current realm: Unnamed/None

Fighting style: none preferred

Unit: -

Race: Worgen (previously Garou)

History: Carter fought casually in 2013, and witnessed a panel presentation at a convention held by Morrigan, Ra, and Errant of Sunspear in early March 2016. They joined Sunspear a day after. Before the Siege of Sunspear, Carter dropped out of fighting for personal reasons, and returned for the event and disappeared again until another several months later. Rarely been active on the Belegarth and LARP scene as of most of 2017 and 2018.

Interesting facts: Carter is a werewolfkin; also dragon-hearted and kin with firbolgs, wolves, hyenas, and the essence of Eywa. Carter loves video games, fursuiting, drag, and playing and listening to music; instruments include violin, viola, feadog, ukelele, piano and cello. Carter can imitate a dog's bark perfectly, greatly enjoys fencing and archery, and has a personality disorder.

"Favor so the axe or the bow, it does not matter; if one cannot play as well as he fights, he is doomed to be live another day sadder."

Events attended:

Siege of Sunspear

Events expecting to attend:


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