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the Birth of Hod

According to legend long before the time of man, in the darker reaches of space a great darkness appeared and threatened to consume all in it's path. The Gods arrived and pursued the darkness. After a fierce battle, the the Gods believed they had succeed in destroying the darkness. However, one fragment survived and drifts away into the cosmos. Over the course of a millenia the fragment slowly began to to regain it's stregnth, now fueled by hatred, vengence and now hunger.

Many years passed and the darkness slowly began traversing the cosmos absorbing and devouring every living thing in it's path, until one day it came across a small blue planet teeming with life. In an act of gluttony it crash landed onto the planet, killing nearly every lifeform on the planet in the impact. However dispite this, it could feel the tiny movements of life within the planet's oceans, it knew that this would be an excellent source of food for the time being. It planted itself deeper into the earths crust and it's darkness began slowly consuming the surrounding area.

Thousands upon thousands of years passed, and the planet's surface was once again filled with life. the darkness that had once been a small fragmant embedded in the earths crust had now become a large lake of darness. Although the planet had given it much sustainence ove the years, it still hungered for more.

The age of Man

In a nearby village there were two brothers who had found a larg gemstone upon travelling in the woods. This had caused much conflict within the hearts of these brothers, as both wanted to keep it for themselves. Such a conflict had yet to be seen in their village before, for jealousy and greed were new to this world. unfortunately this conflict would bring about the begining of the end. One night when the two brothers were gathering food in the woods as they did every night, one of the brothers came across the large lake.

Mesmerized by the moon's glimmer over the dark lake, the boy heard something calling to him. A chill ran over the boy's spine as he knew there was no one around but himself and the lake. In fear he called out for his brother, who came running towards him in the distance. When his brother arrived he too became mezmerized by the dark pool. their silence was broken when the gemstone fell out of one of the brother's pockets. they immidately began to argue, more furious and more greedily than they ever had. this went on for what semed like hours until finally, one of the brothers took the gemstone, and the first and final blow was struck. the brother who'd been hit by the rock fell into the Lake and immidately sank. The survivng brother who'd only just realized what he'd done fell to his knees and begged for the return of his kin.

The entire earth beneath him began to quake, and from the cosmic darkness and the blood of man's sin Hod was born. Hod looked at the boy and laughed joyously, thanking him for feeding and awakening him. The boy begged Hod to return his brother to him, Hod laughed and immidiately began carving a sigil onto the boys head. Hod taught the boy a spell that would bring his brother back from the dead. The boy cast the spell, and his brother crawled out of the darkness itself decayed and deformed. Confused and frightened the boy walked closer to his brother, whom immidiately stepped forward and bit his neck. the boy screamed in agony and he was devoured by the ravenous corpes of his own brother. The boy's screams and the feasting of his flesh pleased and empowered Hod, whom laughed in amusement at their pain and suffering. Not long after dying, the once mournful brother would himself arise as yet another member of the living dead. These two mindless creatures would soon wander home to their own village, where they would begin the first undead infestaion.

the Great Wars

Hod returned to the cosmos, having permanently scarred the Earth with the evil it had brought in ages long past. Hod believed it had sewn the seeds of the earths eventual destruction, having left fragments of it's evil behing on earth in hopes of eventually devouring it. Hod would eventually come to use the lifeforms of Earth as servants to his will, creating Liches, Death Knights and Wights. In time some of these Liche's would become powerful enough to ascend to near god-hood, creating the first and last Demi-Liches. One such Demi-lich Ackyrak'kel-ashetakesh, had rallied the entire undead force in a fullscale assault against all living creatures on earth. This rising undead scourge would call many of earth's races to fight in a great war for the fate of the planet lasting for centuries. After many years of battle Hod would loose the war for the planet and would eventually come to betray the Undead. In a last ditch effort to devour the planet, Hod returned to the earth and begin consuming everything in his path living or undead. However Seeking salvation and vengence the remaining undead would be lead by the now idependant Demi-Liches to retaliate and devour their god.

Lost Stars: *translated*

Entry 1

While testing out a new occular device on Olympus Mons, I had noticed that a nearby Solar System had suddenly burnt out. Being head scientist of my world, I decided it best to approach our cheiftain with the situation. Displeased and frightended by my discovery, the Cheiftain had asked me to investigate. As a man of science and at the request of my cheif, how could I refuse?

Entry 27

13 star systems, completely wiped out. While all investigated solar systems have been shown to at one point be flourishing with life, it would appear all life on these system's planets has since been extinguished. Further investigations have shown that whatever destroyed these solar systems has been travelling very far for a very long time.

Entry 66

After months of attempting to track the entity killing these solar systems, further research and study has shown me that the thing destorying these planets is some form of cosmic entity that raises the planet's dead matter to consume all remaining living matter. Based on the Entitie's previous route I can only assume it will reach our Solar System within the next 100 years. Procautionary measures must be taken to ensure the existence of life thoughout the Stars, or I fear this entity will one day consume all that lives.

Final Entry

Our efforts have failed. The entity has reached our Solar System and it's corruption has consumed nearly all life on my planet, and nearly all the surrounding planets. I am alone in my world, I think I am the last living creature on my planet. Using the same occular device that started this, I have discovered that the a nearby planet left in my Star System that still flourishes with life. It is much larger than my own planet, however the life upon it is quite young. The planet has been touched by the entity, however the planet shrimmers blue with it's ceans teeming with life, almost mocking mmy now red dusty lifeless home. I don't know how this planet has survived this entities rampage, but I wish them the best of luck.

Death's Embrace:

Much of my life has been dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge. That knowledge has protected my village well. I am blessed my people's respect, and although they call me a sage, there are many things I've yet to learn. This morning while meditating, a raven spoke to me. The creature told me of a great power that gave men the ability to conquer death. I asked the creature how to attain this power, but The Beast only laughed. He told me that this would only be given to those willing to sacrifice all for the sake of knowledge and power. I asked the creature to elaborate, But the creature only smiled. It was at this moment I felt my lung empty and the air heavy. Everything faded to darkness. There was nothing. I was nothing. In the darkness I heard the Raven's voice. It told that it would return to offer me this power once again when I returned to this realm. When I awoke the Raven was gone, but the message was clear. To conquer death in others, I must first die for myself. What does this mean? What was this Raven that spoke to me? What does it want? As leader of this village, I must find the answers.

Moral Error:

I have made a grave mistake. I had been studying the concepts of healing spells and death.

This was prompted by my youngest apprentice seeing visions of a large raven-like Creature.

He claimed this entity was telling him the secrets of ressurection.

After many sleepless nights he convinced me to help study these visions and attemp to decipher the entitie's messages.

My other apprentices were more than eager to assist in this task, as most young curious minds would.

Convinced by my young apprentices, I constructed a massive laboratory in the basement of our tower.

Unbeknownst to me, my apprentices then began collecting live subjects on which to perform dangerous experiments.

As soon as I found out, I gathered my apprentices and ordered them to cease their research.

It would appear that all subjects of experimentation were ressurected, but as ravenous decaying monsters.

I confined these creatures within the lab below the tower, hoping that these dark secrets would never be revealed.

I asked my apprentices to leave me, and never return. Brokenheartedly, they did as I commanded one final time.

What had happened within the souls of my beloved apprentices? While pursuing the mystery mortality, could they have fallen unto the dark path?

The Creatures that crawl beneath the tower... I can still feel the guilt of their tortured souls shambling beneath me even as i write this.

Are they the result of returning that which is dead to the world of the living? Or some unfortunate mistake of nature?

I was a fool for allowing this disgusting research to take place.

We are not meant to play with the fabric of life and death, no matter what our reasons for doing so...

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