Deep One

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Deep Ones are the elders and religious leaders of the Sea Trolls. They wield great power given to them by their god Dagon. They are great healers, storytellers, and messengers of Dagon. They aim to preserve Sea Troll culture as well as the great oceans that are their home.

Requirements of a Deep One:

  • Be a Sea Troll (attain the mark of Dagon)
  • Become apprentice to a current Deep One
  • Make a Deep One Talisman
  • Tell the story of the Sea Trolls and their god Dagon
  • Create a unique Sea Troll story for yourself and relate it to lore, Dagon, and nature.
  • Pass the trial of Dagon set forth by the Deep Ones

A Deep One is denoted by the symbol of the Deep Ones on a talisman.

Current Deep Ones


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