Totems of the Ogres

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Earth Family - Yord Ut

Mammoth: G'rodnag

Meaning 'Wandering-Mountain' spirit of the tundra, mountains, and glaciers also of leadership, strength, and determination.

Mammoths are strong, deliberate, and capable of long journeys. Mammoths were once a crucial animal to ancient ogres. Ogres hearded them, rode them, and befriended them. They provided hides, meat, and tusks for weapons and tools. Mammoths were also used in war. In legend both Utezni and U'vatok'na the great ogre chieftain both had mammoth mounts. Mammoths were further revered for their size and earth shaking power. The mammoth's extinction is closely tied to the general population decline of ogres.

The mammoth was also a mystic animal with incredible magical power and is the main totem of Utezni. Ogres who receive the mammoth totem are heavily attuned to earth and Utezni. They are strong, stable, wise, good laborers, and dominating warriors who when enraged can show the same destructive power as a earthquake. The mammoth can be associated with warriors, chieftains, and shaman.


Spirit of the plains and medicine.

The bison is very similar to the mammoth. To this day bison are used by ogres for food, hides but their ornery temperament make them difficult companions. The bison is also more associated with healing and medicinal magic rather than mysticism. Because of their temperament and close association with healing, the bison represents the earthen element of Una. Those who are guided by the bison are likely to be temperamental but wise. They are also strong warriors and fiercely defensive of those close to them. Bison are also common totems of shaman and healers.

Bear: Thung

Meaning 'heavy' spirit of warriors, mothers, and the forest.

The bear is a deliberate planner, powerful warrior, and a protector. The bear is the most level minded of the warrior totems and the warriors that are guided by them reflect these traits. Warriors, hunters, and chieftains can be guided by the bear and are associated with Ugangi.

Owl: On'krug

Meaning 'night-chieftain' is the spirit of the night. Owls are said to possess sacred knowledge concerning the darkness as witness in Uchronos' spirit journey where he must trick On'krug into surrendering this information. On'krug is associated with Uchronos and represents some aspects of his wisdom.

Moose: Grid'ung

Meaning 'bull' spirit of the highlands. Grid'ung is associated with Uron. The moose totem represents individualism, independence, and closeness with the wilderness.

Air Family - Rith Ut

Raven: Vask

Meaning 'cleaver' is the spirit of tricksters, problem solving, and intelligence. Ravens are some of the most diverse and talented of the birds capable of hovering in air, complex flips, occupying many environments, solving problems, learning, teaching their young, and memory. Uchronos, due to his nature, had to be more intelligent then other ogres. He also had many talents from hunting, running, fighting, and metal working. Furthermore, Uchronos' love for adventure is mirrored by the raven. The raven totem is therefore the primary totem of Uchronos god of the winds. People who possess the raven totem are chiefly guided by Uchronos.

Vask has three children, the three companions of Uchronos: Yrr, Thog, and Orr.

Vask's Children

  • Yrr: meaning 'death' who seeks out ogre's souls to lead them to the U'tiek. Yrr also flies behind Uchronos on the battlefield.
  • Thog: meaning 'silence' is the spy of the trio, quietly watching and listening. Thog reports to Uchronos what he sees. Flies beside Uchronos in battle.
  • Orr: meaning 'swift' serves as Uchronos' messenger who sometimes speaks in Uchronos' stead particularly to the Shaman of Uchronos. Orr flies before Uchronos in battle.

Eagle: Hr'myn

Meaning 'sky' or 'heaven' is the captain of the skies second only to the god of the wind himself, who he calls Ar'krug, eagle-chief. The eagle is the spirit of duty and ogre nobility. Chieftain often possess the eagle totem. The eagle is most often associated with Utezni.

Sabertooth: Theg'skogrim

Shortened to T'skogrim, meaning 'mask-of-knives' spirit of the glade, hunters, and silent killers. Also revered as a spirit of weaponry. The sabertooth was one of the apex predators fighting short faced bears and dire wolves for mastery. They possessed great hearing, sight, and coordination. The sabertooth is a favorite totem for warriors and is commonly associated with Ugangi. Its diverse killing possibilities included: delivering a deep stabbing bite to the neck severing the jugular or trachea, using its canines to pierce the thoracic wall with a closed-mouth stab collapsing the lungs, targeting the belly with its canines or massive claws disemboweling their prey, using a shearing bite with flexion of its neck muscles to tear off chunks of flesh, or using its incisors to hold the prey still while delivering other blows. The shear number of possibilities available to the sabertooth are why ogres know T'Skogrim as the master of weaponry. It is a great complement to liken someone to a sabertooth.

Otter: Shal'kal

Meaning 'summer-merriment' Spirit of joy, celebration, and family. Otters are another clever animal with strong social ties to its family. They show great agility in the water and cunningly outrun their predators. Their generally peaceful demeanor and lack of offensive capability make them a unique totem in ogre society. Possessors of the otter totem should not be labeled as cowards. Ancients who likely possessed the otter totem would have been Gli'mok and Krollo among the garad, and Onna daughter of Una. The otter totem's affinity for water insures its association with Una.

Stag: Cromund

Meaning 'heart-walker' Munstrond is the spirit of leadership, speed, and understanding.

Fire Family - Hyr Ut

Wolf: Gor

Meaning 'war' is the spirit of war, warriors, skill in battle, hunters, victory and defeat. The wolf totem represents glory-seekers, thristy for blood and battle. They are powerful hunters, warriors, quick and coordinated. The wolf totem indicate tribal affiliation and tactical prowess just as easily as a lone wolf mentality, devoted only to ones own earnings and glory. The wolf is the primary totem of Ugangi. Those guided by the wolf often possess a wolves' ferocity on the battlefield which can be both cold and calculating as well as brutal and strong: unlike a bear's ferocity. Wolves were first incorporated into ogre society by Ugangi who led a war-pack of wolves, Gor's grandchildren. Afterward wolves accompanied ogres like dogs do for humans as friends helping protect camps, hunt, and wage war.

According to legend Gor split himself wholly into two new wolves, Banog'Yrr and Val'ulv who are the spirits of defeat, and victory respectively - the two most basic aspects of war. Uron witnessed this and noticed that gor himself had disappeared his soul entirely divided. It is possible that Uron learned from observing the birth of the nine children of Banog'Yrr and Val'ulv that only portions of a soul needed to be donated to create a new life. A characteristic present in the reproduction of all creatures and later in ogres.

The Wolf Spirits

  • Gor: 'war', father of Banog'Yrr and Val'ulv.
  • Banog'Yrr: 'death-blow' or 'defeat', large with a black coat matted with blood, coal red eyes, mated with
  • Val'ulv: 'slain-wolf' commonly referred to as 'victory', large white coated with blue-flamed eyes

Children of Banog'Yrr and Val'ulv

  • Karn: 'devourer' or 'scavenger', black fur with white-flame eyes, a sign of victory, the wolf that leads fallen warriors to Ugangi's war band.
  • Heror: 'war-arrow'
  • Kray'rekk: 'ash-warrior' or 'warrior of ash'
  • Sargor: 'war-spear'
  • Ren: 'pillager'
  • Stol'ok: 'steel-storm' or 'battlefield'
  • Her'ruga: 'bone-heap'
  • Ver'vek: 'wound-rot'
  • Rek'ruga: 'ash-heap'

Vulture: Hly'und

Meaning 'laughing-one' is the comedic spirit of death, scavenging, and disease.

Ram: Stytr

Meaning 'helm' spirit of mountain cliffs, ravines, and gorges. Also a spirit of war, determination, and dominance.

Rhino: Sarbelg

Meaning 'spear-bag' spirit of focused rage, power, and defense. Often invoked to bless weapons either to strengthen them or to allow them to pierce the enemies' defenses.

Boar: Rul

Meaning 'trench' or 'digging/engraving', spirit of uncontrolled rage and battle fury.

Water Family - Na Ut


The serpent is the spirit of rivers, creeks, and springs.

Tortoise: Sker'brim

meaning 'wave-breaker'

The tortoise is the spirit of lakes and large bodies of water.

Crocodile: Hrek

meaning 'armor'

Crane: Thog'rut

meaning 'silent-thrust/stab'

Leviathan: Hafgufa

meaning 'sea-steam'

Personal tools
For Fighters
For Craftsman