The Cerberus

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The Cerberus

The Cerberus is a pirate ship operating out of Galahad and captained by Calico. Her mission statement is to pillage, plunder, drink, sing, and be merry.



Type: Race-Built Galleon


Length: 180 ft

Weight: 190 Tons

Speed: 10 Knots

Armament: 82 Guns

Upper Deck: 12 X 24lb Long Guns

Main Deck: 18 X 36lb Long Guns

Gun Deck: 20 X 36lb Long Guns

Lower Deck: 24 X 36lb Long Guns

Bow: 2 X 24lb Bow Chasers

Stern: 2 X 24lb Stern Chasers

Aft Deck: 2 Swivel Guns

Forecastle: 2 Swivel Guns


Flag of Calico

The Cerberus, faster and more heavily armed than most ships of its size, casts an imposing figure across the ocean. Her figurehead is an ebony carved statue of her namesake, the three-headed dog Cerberus. On her mainmast, she flies the flag of Calico, a skull with crossed cutlasses flanked by a trinacria and a harp, the symbols of Sicily and Ireland respectively, and 4 red stars across the top.


Many stories and tales (and a series of bawdy limericks and shanties) exist to explain the Cerberus' origin and acquisition by Calico and his crew. One tale claims that it was bought off of a Spanish sugar merchant for (literally) a song. Another marks the ship a former rum runner, captured single-handed after Calico challenged the entire crew to a drinking contest, leaving them all asleep on a desert isle. The most popular and most repeated tale, however, goes something like this.

The Cerberus was formerly a ship-of-the-line in the Royal Navy. As it sailed toward Cuba one fateful night, the ship came under siege by Sirens who seduced the crew with their song and shape, and promptly drowned them (as is their way). Below, locked in the brig, sat Calico (the reason for his captivity varies from tale to tale. Some claim he was arrested for any number of illicit dealings including fraternizing with a Governor's daughter, while others make Calico the mutinous Lieutenant, bound for disobedience.) listening, but unmoved by the sirens' song. Once the rest of the crew was disposed of, they descended on his cell to finish the job. The sirens sang their song, and Calico sang his (as is his way). A few wayward glances, a smirk or two, and a well placed wink later and Calico was in command of the ship with the sirens helping him bring it to port, their bosoms heaving and their knees weak.

This tale is most often repeated in The Ballad of Calico


Captain: Calico

Senior Officers:

Quartermaster: Toph

First Officer/Navigator: Welshie

Junior Officers:

Bosun: Boketto

Master Gunner: Das Bear

Ship's Doctor: Daimen


Lookout: Moon Moon

Cabin Boys/Lasses:





The Cerberus, in addition to being a ship, is a functioning unit. That being said, the primary function of the crew is not a combat one, but one of merriment. On occasion, the Cerberus Crew will muster up and raise arms on the battlefield, but more often they will be seen in force at various camps, singing in exchange for liquor. They made their first appearance at Oktfest 2014 to great effect, gaining a reputation for strong livers, pleasing voices, and filthy minds.

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