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Hobgoblynz are created from the spirits of fallen heroes. Typically they are spirits of the strongest of monsters who have earned the favor and respect of the Gods in their lifetime; but in the end died valiantly in battle and failed in a solemn oath. Because of this they are not able to join their fallen brothers in the afterlife but are given a second chance through powerful majikz.

These spirits are reborn from one of the most sacred and powerful of all Goblyn rituals. The Goblyn High Priestess combines her mystical energy with that of the land's dominant Shaman (usually an Ogre Shaman) to call the heroes' fallen spirits to her womb where they combine and are reborn into the world as a much more powerful creature, having the best traits of the spirits' original forms.

Because of this Hobgoblyns come in all shapes and sizes. A Hobgoblyn can be born of any combination of the monster races: Bugbear, Lizardmen, Kobold, Goblin, Skaven, Trolls, Gnolls, Orcs, etc. Because they cannot know for sure who they were in their past lives, they grow up with respect for all of the monster races and educate themselves on the histories, cultures, and Gods of them all.

When a Hobgoblyn is born, the first couple years of their life they are raised by the Priestess and/or the Shaman. Growing up around the wielders of majik makes them more likely to recognize other majik users and they become much more resistant to the their effects. It is said that no Hobgoblyn has ever fallen to the effects of majik in battle. This is a short stage in their life, aside from learning about majik and culture from their guardians they also learn how to read, write, track, navigate, gather, and hunt. When they are able kill their first game, they are able to start their next phase of life as children of war.

The Hobgoblyn is then raised by the army of the land. They often become adept at many weapons, reflecting their past lives abilities. It is not uncommon for a Hobgoblyn to suffer from nightmares, flashes of images from lives past.


The versatility of Hobgoblynz makes them an invaluable asset to the Horde Armies. They can be deployed as shock troops, skirmishers, as part of a shield wall, as archers, etc. Their goals are the army's goals. As grunts, they fight with fierce dedication to their leaders. As leaders, they command with undying loyalty to their men.


Hobgoblyns do not cover their knees or elbows like Goblynz do unless they have a strong compulsion to do so. They can have children with other races, the child is born as the race of the Hobgoblynz mate. A Hobgoblyn is incapable of having a child with another Hobgoblyn, It is not unheard of to have a Hobgoblyn couple raise another child as their own.

Known Hobgoblynz

See Also: Horde

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