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Ghouls are fully conscious walking corpses of various race and class, often not having actually died but rather being cursed with undeath through spellcraft, or divine intervention. Due to the fact that ghouls are cursed with undeath most ghouls haven't actually died, although there are some cases of using the curse to save someone moments before death. The only way to revert a ghoul back to it's original form is to break the curse, doing so to a ghoul who's life the curse saved however can potentially result in their death. Ghouls were first created by necromancers as a means to create various undead from races that could not be ressurected. Today most ghouls are the result of a curse descended from the original ghoul sell created centuries ago. although Ghoul is the term generally used to define mortals cursed with undeath, there are many sub-categories to define ghouls created through more specific means.

Physical Traits:

  • Since most ghouls are given undeath ritualistically, many ghouls often bare ritual markings reflecting the nature of their resurrection.
  • Some ghouls carry or wear the object that cursed them.
  • Ghoul's decay over time from the moment they are cursed, so a newly cursed ghoul will appear newly dead, while a ghoul who has been cursed for a longer period of time will often become more and more skeletal in nature.

Sub-Categories of Ghouls


Draugr - created when humanoid creatures are lost at sea in regions haunted by evil spirits or necromantic effects. The corpses of these drowned sailors cling fiercely to undeath, attacking any living creatures that intrude upon them. Their attacks smear rancid flesh, rotting seaweed, and swaths of vermin on whatever they hit. In the case of draugr who manifest when an entire ship sinks, these undead usually stay with the wreck of their ship. Some draugr may be found under the control of aquatic necromancers, while others may wander the seas as undead pirates aboard ghost ships.

Draugr Physical Traits

  • Draugr are garbed as Vikings Fishermen and Naval Sailors. however their Garb is tattered and bloodied with bits of (fake)seaweed dangling off of it
  • Draugr wear undead facepaint (with bits of green for mossy look)


Revenants - Spirits and bodies of mighty warriors slain in battle and resurrected by their soul's own force of will. They are reborn tasked with a soul purpose of venegeance (usually from their killer). Revenants retain all of their former memories, and are always powerful warriors who's physical power and resilience was coupled with an unyielding spirit.

Revenant Physical Traits

  • Unnaturally Blue eyes
  • Basic Undead physical traits (decay depends on time between death and resurrection)
  • they are generally very battered and scarred due to the violent nature of their deaths.
  • Since Revenants were champions of the battlefield, and often worr the garb of their people's warriors: Armor, War Paint, heavy weaponry.


Wights - spirits raised from the dead due to necromancy, by binding a spirit to a corpse (often long dead). They are barely recognizable to those who knew them in life; their flesh is twisted by the dark magic that created them, their eyes burn blood-red with hatred, and their teeth and nails become beast-like. The main difference between Wights and other Varieties of ghoul, is that wights are exclusively born through resurrection by some form of necromancy. Wights do not require the original soul to bind to the body, and malevolent and violent spirits are often in their creation. The first wights were created by Hod intended as grunt soldiers that would serve under Death Knights, though most wights in the Modern Era are created by Liches and Necromancers.

Wight Physical Traits

  • Intensly Red eyes
  • extreme amounts of decay
  • unkept jagged teeth and nails


Mummies - Former Nobles Emperors kings and pharaohs who have called upon their god to bind their soul to their body after death. Mummies are often tasked by their god with guarding honored tombs or sacred artifacts, only to be freed by death or failure follow their god's task. Most mummies are powerful clerics and are deeply devoted to the god that granted them life. Mummies are created through a rather lengthy and gruesome embalming process, during which all of the body's major organs are removed and replaced with dried herbs and flowers. After this process, the flesh is anointed with sacred oils and wrapped in purified linens. The ritual is finished when a servent of their god cast a spell to raise the dead. Although most mummies are created merely as guardians and remain loyal to their charge until their destruction, certain powerful mummies have much more free will. Mummies are the only type of ghoul that HAS to have died in order to become one, as the first steps of their ressurrection can only begin post-death.

Mummy Physical Traits:

  • Bandages covering the body head to toe
  • nobel/cleric garb
  • skeletal facepain with minor patches of rotten flesh.


Flesh Golem - A ghoulish collection of stolen humanoid body parts, stitched together into a single composite form and brought to life. The golem wears whatever clothing its creator desires, usually just a ragged pair of trousers. A flesh golem can speak the language of it's creator, though it is often Monstrous and disjointed. It walks and moves with a stiff-jointed gait, as if not in complete control of its body.

Flesh Golem Physical Traits

  • Body Stitching from head to toe
  • Clothing douced in blood and torn to shreds.

Known Ghouls:

Bilgewater Bones- Werewolf Draugr

Joshua Hawkins- Khajiit Draugr

Crunch- Khajiit Draugr

Davy Jones- Draugr

Grogdog Gonzo- Draugr

Titania- Minotaur Draugr

Patches O'Ghoulihan- Revenant

Bink of Sword Coast- Revenant

Lejir Embara- Flesh Golem

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