Neb An Dee Fire Monkey

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So Neb is taking over tower an pinky town from Baron, and all dee Goblyns in valley of Nezzar move closer, so for dee first time in long time, Tribe Nezzar be united. Neb orders Goblyns to begin to arm themselves, because he know other pinkies will eventually try to destroy what he building. He also order dem to learn stories of Goblyn myth an religion, so they know who they is and what is their inheritance.

As this happening, fire monkey wake up in dee volcano. Fire monkey had lived in volcano for as long as anyone knew. Mostly he just sleep under lava, but sometimes he wake up an be a bitch, throwing burning rocks at Goblyns and stuff. Well, it almost like fire monkey know that Goblyns be growing in power, because he wake angry, and throw many many burning rocks at what Neb and other Goblyns trying to make. Finally Neb get really pissed off and march up dee volcano to teach fire monkey a lesson.

When Neb reach top of volcano, fire monkey be standing there, a skinny, nasty creature, holding a burning rock over his head. He look at Neb in surprise. Neb walk over, grab his hair an knee him in dee face. Fire monkey go “EEEEP!” an try to wiggle away, no one is ever tried to hurt it before, they just put up with his burning rocks. But Neb not let go, he just keep beating dee crap out of fire monkey. Finally fire monkey get away an dive under lava to get away. Neb climb down to edge of lava pool an sit there, waiting. He know that fire monkey have to come up for air eventually. It be very very hot by lava pool, but he refuse to give up, an eventally it stop burning so much. Finally he see top of fire monkey’s head peek up an he grab it. He pull fire monkey out of lava kicking an screaming, flinging lava everywhere. Neb drag him all dee way to dee ocean an drown him, den skin and wear him.

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