Thiadric Thumbs

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Thiadric Thumbs, or Thumbs to most, is a Air Gensai in the land of Stygia. He was once a prince of a land known as the Order, but his father was assassinated and he was forced to flee. he wandered as a mercenary for awhile until he was found by the ranger Ulryn. Ulryn inducted him into his Ranger band. There he encountered Flit Featherfinger an encounter the undoubtedly changed his life dramaticly. Flit, an insane half kender, became his closest friend and companion and when Flit left Ulryns band to form the pirate crew the Sea Swallows Thumbs soon followed. first joining as Flits body guard then taking over the job of first mate.

When the DGMA was redone to adapt to the loss of the Venoric Velvin thumbs was inducted to the high council, which he threw his heart and soul into. He also has worked closely with Malark in forming his Gladiator army and is currently working with his close ally Ketetsu to form the pack. a unit based on animal packs. though he openly admits his main loyalty lies with the Dread Gate Mercenaries.

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