Garb Compendium

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Hello Everyone! this page is definitely under construction and it needs your help!
Hello Everyone! this page is definitely under construction and it needs your help!
I put this article up on the [| Belegarth Garb Board] and i'm attempting to transfer it to this wiki article. Unfortunately, the formatting doesn't transfer, so if you want to help, check out the forum and start making this page look right! All the text, links, and pictures are on the page, but the pics are just displayed as hyperlinks, not actual images. See what you can do =)
I put this article up on the [| Belegarth Garb Board] and i'm attempting to transfer it to this wiki article. Unfortunately, the formatting doesn't transfer, so if you want to help, check out the forum and start making this page look right! All the text, links, and pictures are on the page, but the pics are just displayed as hyperlinks, not actual images. See what you can do =)

Latest revision as of 19:06, 7 September 2020

Hello Everyone! this page is definitely under construction and it needs your help! I put this article up on the Belegarth Garb Board and i'm attempting to transfer it to this wiki article. Unfortunately, the formatting doesn't transfer, so if you want to help, check out the forum and start making this page look right! All the text, links, and pictures are on the page, but the pics are just displayed as hyperlinks, not actual images. See what you can do =)


[edit] Tunics

Tunics. Lets start with tunics.

[edit] Basic Tunic

Basic T-Tunic Form

The basic piece of garb is the tunic. It is the first thing most players get and certainly the most common thing worn is the tunic.

There are many different kinds of tunics. The easiest to make, the T tunic, is incredibly simple and can be made by anyone able to sew straight lines with a sewing machine. It is comparable to a t-shirt. Instructions for making it can be found here:

[edit] Tunic with Gores

(or Viking Tunic)

the classic Tunic with Gores, sometimes called a Viking Tunic.

[1] This tunic is more difficult to make and i would not recommend it to anyone who hasn't sewn before. It involves measuring yourself, many more steps, many more pieces of fabric to attach together, and many more seams to sew. Be prepared to do it over the first time. It may not turn out as nice as you want. It certainly can look nice on the field though. Here's instructions for making it:

[edit] Viking Wrap Tunic

Viking Wrap Tunic

Unfortunately, i don't have the instructions for making this tunic. here's the website i found the picture from: If i were to make it, i would measure a rectangle for the back, as long as from the top of my shoulder down to where i wanted the tunic to end (plus a few inches) and as wide as my circumference at my waist divided by 2 and adding a few (4?) inches. then i'd cut 2 trapezoids for the front, with the side as long (up and down) as the back panel, the bottom slightly wider than the back panel, the top as long as my shoulder, and then a diagonal line to connect the top and bottom. I would then make sleeves by making trapezoids (these are symmetric, unlike the ones used for the front of the tunic) Measure the circumference of your wrist (or whereever you want the sleeve to end) and add 1.5-4 inches (it depends on how loose you want your sleeves to be). measure the circumference of your armpit to the top of your shoulder and back down. Add a few inches again. The wrist measurement is the top of the trapezoid, the shouder measurement is the bottom of the trapezoid. The height of the trapezoid is as long as you want the sleeve (plus an inch or two) I would then sew the front pieces to the back piece at the shoulder seams. I'd lay it out, center the shoulder part of the sleeve with the shoulder seam on the tunic, and sew the top of the sleeve to the tunic. I would then sew a very long seam down the edge of the sleeve (making it a tube) and sewing the front pieces to the back at the side. This should be able to happen in one big long seam. you now have your basic tunic! I'd recommend sewing long straps to the corners of the front so you can wrap it around you and tie it in the back. Hem all your edges so it doesn't fray. if you want to add designs, go ahead!

[edit] Tunics from Patterns

Butterick 5008 Pattern
[[Image: Simplicity 3519 pattern.jpg|thumb|center|300px|Simplicity 3519 Pattern]]
Simplicity 3758 Pattern

For those of you who use sewing patterns to make your tunics, there are several very nice patterns available. These are definitely for advanced garb makers. If you decide to make these, you will need to understand how make gathers and how to read the instructions. If you get confused on something (such as how the yoke of the shirt (the top part at the shoulders) fits together) ask someone or look it up. there are videos that help a lot. [img][/img] (Simplicity 3519) [img][/img] (Simplicity 3758) [img][/img] (Butterick B5008)

[edit] Other Tunic Ideas

There are all sorts of tunic ideas you can find I am very interested in this men's russian blouse style. [img][/img] Here's a variation of the Viking tunic i showed you, and an interesting website about some Viking/Norse clothing ideas: [img][/img] Here are some nice decorations you might like to add [img]!B0yH3NgB2k~$%28KGrHqYOKiYEw%29p!7!BOBMby49d6Zw~~_35.JPG[/img] Here's a beautiful tunic with some very nice embroidery on it [img][/img] Roman tunics look pretty easy to make too, if you look up the directions [img][/img] Greek tunics, called Chitons are very easy to make. You can look up the instructions and make one for yourself. [img][/img]

[edit] Pants, Kilts, and other Stuff

There are several options for what you can wear on your bottom half. Most people chose to go with pants, though kilts are fun additions, and some tunics (sometimes roman or greek styles) are not made to be worn with pants. I would first like to say that no matter what you are wearing, SOME kind of pants/shorts should be worn! I don't care if you want to go regimental. You WILL fall on the ground, you WILL spin/jump and your tunic/kilt will fly up, you WILL sit wrong. I don't know what the official rules say about this, but i can assure you no one will find it amusing if you aren't wearing shorts/boxers/swim trunks underneath.

Now, back to the garb ideas

The easiest garb you can find for pants is just go to a thrift store and look for black sweatpants. [img][/img] Find ones with a drawstring that are slightly too big. Make sure they don't have any designs or stripes on them. Take them home and neatly cut off the elastic at the bottoms (this is also your chance to cut them short enough to fit you). Hem the bottoms of the pants with a zigzag stitch so they won't fray when you wear them. You now have baggy black pants that are acceptable to wear. This is only temporary garb though and you need to be on the lookout for something better to wear. You can also sometimes wear pajama pants if you can find ones that work (this isn't a guarantee). I can't find a good picture to show you, but generally they would be loose and baggy, brown or black, and have no decorations or patterns on them (though i've seen small brown stripes that looked alright). If you find a pair of pants that are too light-colored to use, you might want to experiment with dyeing them darker brown or black. As with sweatpants, pajama pants are only temporary and you need to find a better pair of pants soon. (especially because i rarely see good pj pants for garb)

[edit] Sewing Pants for Beginners

For people who don't like cutting a lot of strange shapes, this pattern is for you: [url][/url] The picture isn't drawn well so i'll explain. You have 3 pieces of fabric. the two outside ones are the pant legs, and need to be wide enough to wrap around you leg comfortably. The centerpiece is the crotch piece and needs to be 5-8 inches wide and long enough to go between your legs and back up to your waist. The picture doesn't really show proportions very well. Part 1 just shows your fabric lying out. the side pieces are much wider than the middle. Part 2 is the middle piece folding up to make the crotch. Part 3 is the side pieces folding in half to make the legs. After you fold them like shown and pin the pieces together, you just sew the crotch to the front and back of the legs, and then sew the legs into tubes. For people who want a little less sewing, but don't mind cutting funny shapes, here's your pants. [img][/img] the directions are a bit wordy, but it's not too difficult. simply put, you cut out the fabric like it says using another pair of loose pants (remember your fabric is folded in half), you sew up the side until you get to the curved part near the top. You turn one of them inside out and put the other one inside it, matching up the curved U openings. Sew along the U. You can now pull the pant leg out of the other, and ta da, you have pants. You'll need to put a drawstring in it or put belt loops on. drawstrings are easy. just look them up. [color=#FF0000]REMEMBER: WHENEVER YOU MAKE PANTS, REINFORCE THE STITCHING ALONG THE CROTCH. YOU DON'T WANT IT TO RIP[/color]

[edit] Baggy pants/Hakama Pants


[img][/img] These pants go by several names but i've seen a number of pictures on the boards of people wearing them. They're not too difficult to make, but they require quite a bit of fabric. The following link will tell you how to make them (please ignore the fact that these pants are blue and shiny) NOTE: the directions are a bit unclear as to how the pant legs are sewn together. They are sewn together the same way the pants above are put together. Turn one pant leg inside out, and put the other pant leg inside it. Match up the U and sew along the U. Reinforce the seams, and flip the other pant leg back out. Hem everything and put a drawstring in.

[edit] Dagorhir Pants

pretty much the same as above) [img][/img]

[edit] Wrap Pants

[img][/img] I think these pants would work really well, especially since you can tie them over the pants you're already wearing! The directions are nice and clear, and also check out the pictures at the bottom of the page. Those wrap pants look like they would work well too.

[edit] Pants from Patterns

Using patterns is nearly always more complicated, and gives you more authentic/official looking clothes. Here are a few patterns with pant instructions [img][/img] Simplicity 4059 [img][/img] Simplicity 8913 [img][/img] Butterick B4574

[edit] A Few Other Ideas

Patiala Pants [img][/img]

Knee Breeches [img][/img]

Persian Pants [img][/img]

Leather Leggings [img][/img]

[edit] Kilts

Kilts are wonderful and fun to wear, but they can be expensive. Since there is so much tradition behind the kilt, you may want to research tartan patterns before you buy anything. It's always fun to wear your family/group's colors. If your family doesn't have their own tartan, you can pick one randomly or pick one that has some significance to you (you can pick one that has the colors of your realm, there's an official tartan for people who don't have claim to other tartans, many countries, states or cities have their own tartans too). I ask you again, please make sure you wear shorts/boxers/swim trunks underneath your kilt. Nobody wants their day ruined by you falling down.

[color=#FF0000]UTILIKILTS ARE NOT GARB![/color] They are made to look like a modern. Often they are made from denim, which is not usually approved for garb making.

[edit] Regular Kilts


First of all, i don't know if i would recommend going out and buying a kilt to fight in. Most kilts you find will be made as formal wear and can be extremely expensive, and it would be very unfortunate if you were to mess yours up. While it would be awesome to have one, most people don't have the money and must figure out another way to go.

The easiest (and worst looking) way to make a kilt is simply wrap a plaid or tartan fabric around your waist and belt it on. While this is neither correct or nice-looking, it might pass.

Here are instructions on how to make a basic kilt. Be warned, this isn't for beginners. It can be difficult to get the pleats correct, and i would make sure i knew what i was doing before i started this. This video is also shows a very good way to make a kilt

[edit] The Greatkilt

[img][/img] The Greatkilt is much closer to the original kilt worn by scotsmen. It is not the same as the modern kilt (which is very different and has changed quite a bit). It uses quite a bit more fabric but does not need any sewing (besides making sure the edges don't fray) This video give an EXCELLENT demonstration of how to put on a greatkilt and various styles and uses it has.

[edit] The Sporran

[img][/img] [img][/img]

No kilt is complete without a sporran (and some consider it wrong to wear a kilt without a sporran). As you want to look your best, you certainly will want to wear a sporran. Of course in Belegarth, this would be just for decoration and it may actually be wiser not to wear one. There is the possibility of your sporran getting damaged, and some sporrans may not pass entanglement rules. Consult your realm members before deciding.

[edit] Roman and Greek

I mentioned before, some styles of garb may not call for pants underneath the tunic. I find that roman and greek styles often do not call for pants. [img][/img] [img][/img] The roman tunic and the greek chiton above do not need pants. They look best when worn with high-lacing sandals.

Wonderful! now that we've got the basics done, shirts and pants and such, we can move on to layering, decoration, and cooler looking stuff.

[edit] Tabards, Doublets and Vests

[edit] The Tabard


For those of you who don't know, [i]"A tabard is a short coat common for men during the Middle Ages. Generally used while outdoors, the coat either sleeveless, or had short sleeves or shoulder pieces. It could also be worn with or without a belt. Tabards might be emblazoned on the front and back with a coat of arms, and in this (livery) form they survive now as the distinctive garment of officers of arms in heraldry..... In the late Middle Ages tabards, now open at the sides and so usually belted, were worn by knights over their armour, and usually emblazoned with their arms... These became an important means of battlefield identification with the development of plate armor as the use of shields declined." ~Tabard, Wikipedia[/i]

I have also been informed that Tabards as they're worn by reenactors (SCA, LARP, etc.: as a sideless garment with no sleeves) do not appear to have been as common historically as oversized tunics, sleeveless or with sleeves worn over the first layer of clothes (which were almost always worn over a layer of underclothes (braies, shirt)) or over armor.

Tabards are extremely useful for garb because not only can they be very simple to make, they are very good for making you look great since they are so customizable.

As usual, i'll start with the simplest first. [img][/img]

This pattern is the easiest piece of garb there is. There isn't really even any sewing to do, unless you choose to hem it. The only other thing you will need is something to belt it with. here's the website explaining how to make it: You don't need to put any sort of shield, symbol, or heraldry on the front, but it makes a beautiful personalized touch.

Two Color Tabard (Quartered) [img][/img] This link will explain how to make a quartered tabard. The second set of instructions is what you are looking for. The instructions are a bit complicated, especially dealing with the neck hole. There are several easier ways to make it, and you can use those if you want.

The following pictures will show you different common styles and themes tabards usually have. You can experiment with various things until you find the right thing for you! [img][/img]



[edit] Musketeer Tabard

While i'm not sure whether this would be considered legal garb or not (it may depend on the realm. My realm would say no because it's after gunpowder), This style of tabard could be fun. Be sure to check with your realm leaders before making it. You might want to just change the heraldry or colors so it does not directly represent the Musketeers. [img][/img]


[img][/img] (Doublet)

[img][/img] (Vest)

We are now at the point where it becomes very difficult to make things without having a pattern. Unless you know something about pattern drafting (making your own patterns) you will need to buy, borrow, or find a pattern to use. A wonderful resource to use is "The Medieval Tailor's Assistant" by Sarah Thursfield. Most of the patterns are conjectural or at least partially speculative, but she worked to make sure the finished silhouettes are correct and the level of detail is very high. It is available on if you do happen to be good at pattern drafting, here If you don't, i'd recommend some of the following patterns. [img][/img] (Simplicity 4059) [img][/img] (Butterick 4828) [img][/img] (McCalls M4695) [img][/img] (Simplicity 5925)

Here are some great examples of Doublets, Vests, and Jerkins done right [img][/img] [img][/img] This link is a pattern for the above picture: [img][/img]

[edit] Girls Garb

Alright girls, this is what you've been looking for! Here's a section entirely about all the stuff that girls can be deadly in! (most of this is lifted from the Garb for Chicks forum, there's a better list of stuff there)





This dress is called an Apron Dress. I've found it really useful. It laces up and looks nice. I made mine calf length so that it wouldn't hinder me much when i was legged. You can find the instructions for it right here: [img][/img]




[edit] Dresses

The most common form of garb for girls to wear (besides regular tunic and pants) is a dress. They can be simple or elaborate, but if you think you can fight in it, go for it. I find long skirts can be a bit annoying when you've been legged, so my favorite dress to wear is this Apron Dress. I made it calf-length so i could avoid stepping on it, and i made it out of a tan denim material for it's sturdiness.

[edit] Corsets

Many girls fight in corsets and while some may find it more difficult to fight in them, that's not a guarantee. If you find a corset that you are comfortable fighting in, there are quite a few benefits. The first is that you look great. It's so much easier to fight when you know you look awesome fighting in that garb. (Also, guys are easier to kill when they're distracted.) I've found that corsets can be helpful as padding/armor. While they don't count as real armor, it still feels better to have that boning there when you're up against a heavy hitter with a red.

[edit] Tunics, Bodices, Tabards, and Pants

Most of what guys wear can be directly or indirectly re-purposed for girls to wear. You can just wear the exact same thing with no modifications, or you can alter the pattern slightly or get a female version of the pattern to make it fit better. This often includes adding laces to the garb.

[edit] Some Patterns

[img][/img] (Butterick 6196) I've found the bodice on this pattern is very great to pair with any shirt/skirt/pants combo.

[img][/img] (Simplicity 3623) This one has a good bodice pattern also

[img][/img] Butterick B4254

[edit] Hats and Shoes

People often forget that good headgear and good footwear can really add to your character. Proper shoes will make a huge difference in your garb and fighting. A hat can not only make you look great, it can also provide shade so you don't get sunburned or blinded and keep sweat out of your eyes. Some hats are easy and cheap to make, while some must be bought. Shoes, unfortunately, are rather difficult to make and i won't be providing any links so you can make your own.

[edit] Bandanas and Headscarves



Scarves and bandanas can be very useful for keeping your hair controlled and the sweat out of your eyes. You've gotta be careful though, because most scarves or bandanas with patterns on them will be illegal. I would recommend only wearing a plain colored one with nothing on it.

[edit] Floppy Hats

[img][/img] Both of the hats in this picture are the same style hat. We call them floppy hats though their official name may be Renaissance Flat Caps. They are incredibly easy to make. Also, they make really great Frisbees and fans.

[edit] Muffincap

[img][/img] This video shows how to make one. I know she's speaking in German, but there are english subtitles that explain everything you need to know.

[edit] Cavalier Hat

[img][/img] The cavalier hat is an extremely popular hat. I imagine it's rather difficult to fight in (especially with the feathers), but it makes an excellent addition to any set of garb! Unfortunately, They are rather difficult to make so I'm going to recommend buying one.

[edit] Tricorn Hat

(aka Pirate Hat) [img][/img] The tricorn hat is another very popular hat. This one is possible to make on your own maybe? I haven't tried it. I will leave you to figure out it you want to/ mess with making one or just buying one.

[edit] Cowl

[img][/img] A Cowl is a piece of clothing that covers the shoulders and has/is a hood. (It is also a monk's robe with a hood) They are not too difficult to make and since they aren't often worn by other fighters, will set you apart from them. You'll most often find Archers wearing them. Instructions:

[edit] Robin Hood Hat

[img][/img] These are pretty simple to make too. Try to use a stiffer fabric. Soft floppy fabrics don't work very well.

[edit] Snood

[img][/img] All of the other hats can be worn by either sex, but the snood is specifically for girls. When attached with hairpins, it will stay on your head and keep your hair out of your way, while looking pretty at the same time. If you know how to crochet, here's the video you want. If you don't know how to crochet, you can buy them online relatively cheaply.

[edit] Shoes

While i know some people who prefer to fight barefoot (myself included occasionally), most of you reading this will want proper footwear. Unfortunately, this can be an expensive proposition. Nothing i post here will be easily makable and quite a bit of it will cost over a hundred dollars. Generally footwear is one of the pieces of garb left out for that reason. Please remember that sneakers or tennis shoes are discouraged. I'm sure your realm will understand if you have absolutely nothing else, but sneakers are definitely a bad thing.

[edit] Athletic Sandals

[img][/img] (Teva) [img][/img] (Chaco) [img][/img] (Vibram) Athletic sandals are acceptable to wear as long as they are securely attached to your foot and will not accidentally come off. They should also be brown, black, tan, or some other earth-toned color. I've listed the top 3 brands that i know (though i think walmart sells them too. but those are nasty and give you blisters). Most people i fight with wear some kind of athletic sandal. The upside is they are usually cheaper than leather boots, can be worn almost anywhere all summer, and can last a long time. My pair of Teva's are going on 7 years of daily summer use. The downside is they can still cost quite a bit (unless they're cheapo walmart ones), they don't look as good as leather boots, and you have a tendency to get your toes stepped on (and tonails broken). The last point is my least favorite thing about them. Be warned, if you wear athletic sandals, you will occasionally get broken toenails and end up bleeding somtimes.

[edit] Boots

[img],0.5,0,0[/img] [img][/img] Boots can possibly be the most expensive piece of garb you own. I've seen boot prices ranging from $50-$800. It's possible to buy leather boots for $30 or $40, but i'd be willing to bet they wont' last you the summer. If you want a good investment, do a bunch of research and figure out which boots will last you a while. I'd guess a good price range would be $150-$200 for a pair (someone correct me if i'm wrong). I think once you get above a hundred dollars (or if you buy them from a renaissance faire) they should last a few years at least.

[edit] Mary Janes

[img][/img] Mary Janes-style shoes are very similar, superficially, to the sort of buckled shoe (kuhmaul) worn by (Landsknecht) mercenaries (and others, as they became a fashion trend) in the late 15th C. and early 16th C. I know quite a few girls who wear Mary Janes (flats) when they dress in garb. These shoes tend to be less expensive than leather shoes and look fine with skirts. If you're on a budget, i might recommend getting these

[edit] Ghillies

[img][/img] Ghillies originated from either Ireland or Scotland. The shoes shown are not the original Scottish piper's ghillies, but a variant. They go well with nearly any type of garb besides noble's garb. They're also one of the cheaper renaissance shoes you will find, due to the low amount of leather needed. The downside is that unless you put an insert in, they probably have very little in the way of support. Make sure you consider this before you decide to wear them all day. These shoes are also one of the few that you could attempt to make yourself! They require about 3 square feet of leather and some laces. Here's a good tutorial for making your own. Here's another similar version

[edit] Other Shoes




[edit] Boot Tops

[img][/img] I would like to mention boot tops. These are made to be put on over your shoes and then strap underneath your arch so that it looks like you are wearing boots. This is a cheaper alternative if you want the look but don't have the money.

That's my section about Hat and Boots!!! All i have left is Accessories, and what a section that will be.

[edit] Accessories

Alright Everyone, here's the fun section! here's all your Accessories! First, i need to remind you that according to the rules 1.3.6 Any realistic weapons are forbidden. We don't want anyone getting hurt

A few notes about this section. I am posting this almost entirely so you can make your character/costume look better. I'm not sure if everything on here will be legal to wear during fighting, but i can guarantee that there will be some things that you just wont want to fight with. I'll try to mention what's not recommended, but just be intelligent about what you decide to wear. It may look cool but it could also be encumbering or breakable. Please choose wisely.

[edit] Cloaks and Capes

[img][/img] [img][/img] Cloaks (with hoods) and Capes (without hoods) are always fun to wear, especially if it's cold, windy, or raining. Some of the fuller cloaks can get a bit expensive, due to the fabric needed. (seriously, it takes 7-8 YARDS of fabric just for that first cloak i posted) Some Realms allow cloaks to be worn and some do not due to the possibility of entangling a weapon. I know some people like to use them as defense, or to confuse their opponent, but be careful because you don't want to entangle their weapon. Also, the second picture i posted is a Fencing Cape. I believe it is Elizabethan Era? anyway, be careful if you decide to wear this. It may not be from your time period.

[edit] Bracers, Vambraces, and Greaves

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Bracers are arm-guards worn mostly by archers. They are designed to protect both the inside and outside of the arm, from bowstrings and weapons respectively. Vambraces are also arm-guards worn to protect the arm. Unlike bracers, they may not cover the inside of the arm and wrist. Greaves are armor designed to protect the legs and shins. It's not difficult to make your own Bracers/Vambraces our of leather. here's a basic pattern to cut and decorate as you choose. You don't need to use the measurements written. You should measure your arm and use the circumference at wrist, circumference below elbow, and forearm length instead of their numbers.

[edit] Mugs

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Mugs are a nice thing to carry around with you. They come in useful when you're thirsty, they carry ale, and they look pretty cool hanging from your belt on a Mug Frog (see next post). Generally wooden, pewter, ceramic, and leather are all acceptable. Be careful because ceramic can break, and none of them will appreciate getting hit with a sword.

[edit] Mug Frog (Mug Strap)

[img][/img] [img][/img] A Frog is a strap (usually leather) that attaches things such as sword sheathes, mugs, and whatever else you want to hang onto your belt. Mug Frogs in particular have a snap or button so you have easy access to your mug. These are incredibly useful for hanging pretty much whatever you want on your belt.

[edit] Belts

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] D-ring belts are the most common belts you'll find. They are named thus because of the single D-ring on the end instead of a buckle. Once you learn how to tie them (not difficult), you'll look great! A much cheaper belt is a simple rope belt. Jeweled girdles (2nd picture) were worn by noble ladies. They are not meant to have anything hung on them, so no swords or mugs hanging from Girdles. The 4th picture is a rapier sheath and kudos to you if you can find/make a decent sheath for hanging belegarth weapons. That picture was mostly just included to show you can hang sword sheaths on your belt outside of belegarth.

[edit] Pouches

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Bags and pouches are wonderful for carrying all sorts of things, be it money, a sweat rag, keys, or anything else you might want on your person. You can buy them or make your own easily enough

[edit] Horns/Drinking Horns

[img][/img] [img][/img] Horns are really fun extra decorations you can wear and carry. Drinking horns are specially coated on the inside so your drink stays clean. Other horns are made for noisemaking and have a hole carved into the tip. While both are fun to have, i wouldn't recommend fighting with them hanging from your belt. They would crack and break with the first hit.

[edit] Gorgets

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] The gorget was originally a piece of armor worn by knights and swordsmen to protect the neck. It has since changed more into shoulder protection and/or a simply decorative piece. It can be made of leather or metal, and is possible for you to make. For a gorget that will protect your neck, you can look here for directions. Be warned, it's not easy to make. For a gorget that is more shoulder protection/decorative, click the next link. It's extremely simple. You'll need to scroll nearly halfway down the page to the Mantle/Yoke/Gorget section.

[edit] Fan

[img][/img] [img][/img] These fans are wonderful! They are extremely effective and you can generally hang them on your belt. Who wouldn't want a fan to cool off after a fight? Try not to get one that looks too Aisan-y.

[edit] Hip Scarves, Coin Belts, Bells, Jingleys and Shinies

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] Jingles, Shineys, Coins and Bells are fun to wear. I suppose you could fight in them, but they are more just for looking good and making noise. If you learn/know how to belly dance, kudos.

[edit] Belt Flag/Belt Sash/Butt Flag

[img][/img] There are two in this picture being worn from the belt. One is on the far left on the man in the kilt and one is the bottom right corner. [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] A belt flag is a piece of fabric (usually rectangular and about as large as your spread hand) that attaches to your belt to display your heraldry or realm symbol. It can be used to identify teams or realms t events, and is often worn in place of a tabard (for identification). Belt Flags can be all shapes and sizes, as shown above.

[edit] Armor

[img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] I think everyone on the field wishes they had a really cool set of armor. They might not want to wear it, but i'm pretty sure they wish they had it. If you can get something wonderful like this together, you shouldn't be reading these posts. I'd like to make sure you know that according to Belegarth rules, armor is not strictly garb so be sure to have garb underneath. Also armor styles and history is a very detailed subject which i know nothing about. If you are thinking about armor, i encourage you to do a bunch of research about it, and then post what you've found here.

alright, that's pretty much it for right now. If i made any mistakes, message me and i'll try to update it. If i missed things, feel free to post and add your own ideas! just make sure you research it thoroughly and provide a very detailed description.

Later when i have a bit more time, i want to make another post explaining different sets of garb from various time periods/cultures/professions/styles/characters ect. Be on the lookout for it!

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